Health and PE: Required for Graduation
All students should select one of the following options to fulfill the Health and Personal Fitness (PE) requirement:
IMPORTANT NOTE: ALL STUDENTS will be signed up for Health and Personal Fitness (option 1) unless your student plans to participate in MJROTC (option 3). If your child plans to take Health and Personal Fitness over the summer (option 2), you will need to indicate that on the paper registration sheet that comes home with your student.
OPTION 1: Take Health and Personal Fitness during the school year at PHS (the most common option).
OPTION 2: Take Health and Personal Fitness in the summer. It is the parent/guardian's responsibility to register the student for Summer Health and PE through PHS Community School, Gwinnett Online Campus, or one of the GCPS Summer School sites. The summer Health & Personal Fitness option involves an additional cost for the family. Health and Personal Fitness are prerequisite courses for weight training and body sculpting classes, specialty athletic teams weight training and body sculpting classes, and Team Sports.
OPTION 3: Earn Health and Personal Fitness credit through MCJROTC. If a student completes three years of ROTC, this will satisfy the Health and Personal Fitness requirement needed for graduation.
Interested in Summer Health and Personal Fitness at Parkview?
Information about Summer Health and Personal Fitness at Parkview will be available soon. Please check back for more information.