Language Arts
Language Arts Department Chair: Tracey Dann
PHS Language Arts Composition Standards
- Papers should be typed if at all possible.
- Type a heading in the upper left corner of the first page, including your name, your teacher’s name, the name of the course, and the date. The heading should be double-spaced.
- Joe Smith
- Ms. Oliver
- Freshman English
- September 5, 2024
- Center and type the title of the paper. Use standard capitalization rules. Space once between the title and the body of the paper. Do not underline the title or put it in quotation marks.
- Double-space the entire paper, including the heading. (If you must write your paper by hand, skip lines. Do not leave an extra space between paragraphs.)
- For multi-paged papers, number all pages in the upper right-hand corner. (Using the header function of your word processor, indicate your last name and page number, beginning on page 1.)
- Write or print on only one side of the paper.
- Use blue or black ink on lined, loose-leaf notebook paper if you are handwriting your paper.
- Edit your papers carefully. Rules concerning Standard English apply to all assignments.
- Take pride in the overall appearance of your paper!
For in-class essays, you will use the heading and title described above. However, you will not be required to skip lines or number pages.