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Social Studies Core Class Descriptions

World Geography

This two-semester course is strongly encouraged for all 9th graders as it provides a firm foundation for success in future Social Studies classes. The course explores the culture and environment of places around the world. CP and Honors levels are available. AP Human Geography is also an excellent option for advanced students.

World History

World History is a two semester course taken during 10th grade. It explores significant conditions, challenges, and accomplishments that have influenced humankind and the rise of human civilization. This course is offered at the CP, Honors, and AP levels. 

U.S. History

U.S. History is a two semester course taken during the 11th grade. The course provides a comprehensive examination of the American experience from the time of colonization to the present day. This course is offered at the CP, Honors, and AP levels.

Political Systems

This one-semester course is taken during the 12th grade. The intention is to provide a foundation of knowledge for the framework of American government. This course is offered at the CP and honors levels. AP American Government is also available to satisfy this requirement.


This one-semester course is taken during the 12th grade. This course provides a foundation on the basic economic systems, microeconomics, macroeconomics, international economics and personal finance. This course is offered at the CP and honors levels. AP Macroeconomics is also available to fulfill this requirement.