Senior Pictures: Class of 2024
Your school's exclusive photographer is CADY.
Schedule your senior session with CADY today: Book online with CADY!
Don't wait! The deadline for senior portraits to be included in the yearbook is November 25.
Need help booking your senior portraits? Check out the CADY Senior Booking Guide.
Yearbook Sales
Senior Ads
Senior Grad Ads will be available for purchase through at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year.
Senior Portraits for the Class of 2023
Your school's exclusive photographer: CADY. Schedule your senior session today. Book online today with CADY!
Don't wait! The deadline for senior portraits to be included in the yearbook is November 15.
Senior Spotlight
Does your senior play sports, participate in club activities, band, orchestra, or theatre? Have they been recognized for their academic excellence? Let your senior's accomplishments shine! Order a Senior Spotlight for only $25 on MyPaymentsPlus. After ordering, please send an email to and request the Google Form required for submission.
The deadline to purchase and submit your senior spotlight is November 15!
Example Text:
Gioia Zincone
9th Grade Football and Basketball Cheer 9th
JV Football and Competition Cheer 10th
Varsity Basketball Cheer 11th
Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society 11th
Rho Kappa S.S. Honor Society 11th-12th
UGA Certificate of Merit 11th
National Honor Society 12th
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